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Gay TV star Dr Christian Jessen – “Il coronavirus? Una scusa degli italiani per prolungare la loro siesta”.

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"Il coronavirus? Una scusa degli italiani per prolungare la loro siesta".

Davanti a 15mila malati e oltre mille morti nel nostro Paese quello è un commento del dottor Christian Jessen, 43enne medico britannico è il popolare medico della tv britannica (e gay dichiarato) che conduce il reality Malattie Imbarazzanti. Ha anche prodotto e narrato un documentario intitolato "Cure me, I am gay" (Curatemi, sono gay), su presunte terapie per "curare l'omosessualità".

As deaths surge in Italy - 250 in the last day, bringing the total deaths due to the coronavirus in Italy to 1,266, with 17,660 infections overall, a rise of 2,547 since Thursday evening - Embarrassing Bodies star and supporter of leading UK LGBT charity Stonewall Dr Christian Jessen has said Italian people are using the COVID-19 outbreak as an excuse to have a “long siesta”, while acknowledging his comments are “a little bit racist”.

During an interview on FUBAR Radio’s Access All Areas about the outbreak Jessen said: “This might be a little bit racist to say this, [and] you’ll have to make apologies, but do you not think it’s a bit of an excuse?

“The Italians, any old excuse to, you know, shut down everything and stop work for a bit and have a long siesta.”


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