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Covid-19 in Puglia | 13 August Bulletin

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The Region of Puglia has issued a new anti-covid 19 ordinance effective today, 13 August.

Mask wearing is now mandatory in ALL outside spaces where it is not possible to continuously guarantee safe social distancing of at least 1 metre.

This is not defined by reference to a minimum or maximum number of people. Simply if you are in a space where you cannot maintain a 1 metre distance between you and other members of the public at all times, be it on the street, in a piazza, even on the beach, a mask must be worn.

If you are simply passing by others on the street and will come into proximity of less than 1 metre, masks will require to be worn. With many towns and cities having historic centres with narrow passageways winding their way around, this will be unavoidable.

The regulation specifies that the mask must cover from the chin to above the nose. Children under 6 are exempt, as are those who are not able due to disability to wear a mask.

The new ordinance also specifically targets clubs and dance halls where it will now be obligatory to wear masks even outside where it is not possible to continuously guarantee a distance of at least 2 metres on the dance floor and 1 metre in all other parts of the premises.

Ordinance 336 is not yet available from the Region in English, but the original Italian text can be found here.

Source | Press Regione, Regione Puglia

According to the press release issued by the Regional Government the measure has been introduced in part due to the influx of visitors to the region.

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