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Eat Puglia | Street Food

Panzerotti | what? Half moon shaped dough stuffed with a mozzarella and tomato sauce based filling. Usually fried, but sometimes baked | where? El Chiringuito, Porto Vecchio, Molo S. Nicola, Bari.

Pesce crudo | what? Enjoy a freshly caught raw seafood lunch served up by the fisherman returning to port | we recommend freshly opened ricci (sea urchin) served with a hunk of bread and a wedge of lemon with a cold beer | mix from the catch of the day; sliced octopus, calamari, urchins, prawns and the pinkest shrimp, plump oysters and juicy mussels | where? Porto Vecchio, Molo S.Nicola, Bari (usually all sold by noon).

Focaccia barese | what? Focaccia bread with boiled potatoes mixed into the dough and stuffed with fresh tomatoes | where? Your local panificio al forno in Bari.

Sgagliozze | what? Thin slices of fried polenta with a sprinkling of salt | where? From the street sellers of Bari Vecchia.

Bombette pugliesi | what? Bite size parcels of meat, usually pork, filled with cheese, vegetables or other cured meats and grilled over an open fire or in a traditional clay oven | where? You will find bombette sold from the meat counters of the butcher’s shop come restaurants in Cisternino (our favourite is Al Vecchio Fornello) but for the street food experience travel to San Vito dei Normanni to visit Braceria il Gatto & la Volpe.

Piadina Salentina | what? The southern Puglia version of pita bread come with a variety of fillings. Elsewhere these may simply be flat thin savoury pancake with cured meats and cheese, or tuna, folded into the quarters and toasted | where? L'angolino di Via Matteotti. Be adventurous.

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