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Quarantine for UK travellers extended to 30 August

All arrivals from the UK will have to self-isolate for 5 days, it has been confirmed - including those who are fully vaccinated.

They will also have to take one pre-departure Covid-19 test and another at the end of the quarantine period.

The rule will be in force until August 30th and fines can be imposed on those not complying.


Il Ministro della Salute Roberto Speranza ha firmato un’ordinanza con cui si prorogano le misure restrittive relative all’ingresso in Italia da India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka e Brasile.

È confermata la quarantena di 10 giorni per i Paesi extraeuropei fatta eccezione per quelli della lista raccomandata dall’Ue per i quali la quarantena è ridotta a 5 giorni.

È confermata la mini quarantena anche dalla Gran Bretagna i cui certificati vaccinali e di guarigione potranno essere utilizzati ai fini del green pass sul territorio italiano.

Per i Paesi europei e dell’area Schenghen, oltre che per Canada, Giappone, e Stati Uniti è prorogato il regime di ingresso con i requisiti della certificazione verde.


Read the 29 July ordinance


A 10-day quarantine for non-European countries was also confirmed. For those on the EU-recommended list the quarantine period is reduced to 5 days.

Italy will recognise vaccination certificates for travellers from the UK for use in Italy but confirmation that those stored on the UK’s NHS app is awaited. Green passes are needed to gain entry into indoor restaurant seating, museums and other public spaces from August 6th.


More | where and how to book a Covid antigen test in Puglia | quarantine rules for travellers from the UK | our guide to using public transport in Puglia | our guide to driving in Puglia

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